Sunday, October 23

so Kathy...

As I get the news and scour the net, I inevitably run across things that I'm sure will end up in class or at least blogged about this week. So, I figured why not post about those things, since they're on my mind. And what better name for such blog posts than "so kathy..." Just checking to see if you're reading these blogs.

It appears that homeland security has once again reared its ugly head; the internet has allowed a little too much freedom for the American government to stand. The FCC has asked that instiutions and other organizations that facilitate mass internet connections to make it easier for federal agents to listen in. Since the telephone is rapidly becoming less necessary (ask any business person) and online voice communication is gaining popularity (ask any college student), federal snoopers are attempting to realign themselves to this new landscape of communication technology. PS: These forced changes would have to be carried out by the institutions at their own expense, costing millions of dollars.

There are rumblings that the UN, European Union and various other nations that are patrioticly taboo are looking to speard control of the internet globally. Currently, the ICANN organization in California keeps tabs on addresses and such in order to organize and keep the World Wide Web untangled. Many sources say that the United States is the best country to monitor a free and open medium, but for a world that seeks to have better access to the internet for econimic and other reasons international regulation is the perogative. The United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance will be meeting next month in Tunis.


Blogger Kathy E. Gill said...

yes, i read the bit about wanting more power to "tap" lines, too ... i haven't checked to see if its ruffled the blogosphere.

i do read everyone -- i don't always get to every blog before class, though.


i'm glad you're using this for general journaling!

12:49 AM, October 25, 2005  

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