Tuesday, January 10

Experience, Goals and Roles

Past Experience :: Within one team in the past there has been a struggle over who creates the content, and what titles various members carried. As webmaster it can be more important to know what you are truly NOT going to work on rather than what you ARE.
Within another team a problem again arose from roles. Tasks of each team member were again not clearly defined. When problems arose each person thought someone else was responsible for solving it.
A third issue from the past was the importance of the end result. Sometimes regardless of planning and elegance a simple fix is necessary. JUST GET IT DONE seems to become critical at times, even if it’s a patch. Additionally, since the web world is 24 hour, the webmaster position is in essence an on-call position.

Rethinking Goals :: There is an emphasis, within goals, on the roles played of executives and PR folks, perhaps due to peoples’ past experience or perhaps due to influences of the reading. Seeing where you fit is vital in effective team production, online of off.
The obvious technical goals are also listed. The fact that many people listed flash makes me think this would be worth my energy too, since it will be a concentration for those around me.
-- Learn about the current and future applications of RSS and pod-casting.
-- See the role of all members of the online production team.
-- Improve objective prioritization (tech and non-tech) skills.

My Roles and Avoidances :: I would enjoy the role of hands-dirty-code-guy, but that may not allow me to expand perspectives. Perhaps I can just assist in this area.
I would enjoy working with over all architecture. I have experience in this area, but trying to think from purely this perspective could be rewarding.
Working in content creation and design would be similar to the above experience.


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