Tuesday, January 10

Wk1 reading (Publishing Team)

McGovern, Gerry & Norton, Rob. Year. The Publishing Team: Chapter 11 - Content Critical: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through High-Quality Web Content.

Well I feel stupid. While I read I started to create a heirarchy map of the different roles, only to find there was one already created at the bottom of the document. I think that may be the most useful nugget of information.
As a "webmaster" (and yes I hate the word) it is eternally frustrating to have so many tasks that are very multi-disciplinary. But, that's what attracted me to the work... so I shouldn't complain. What I can complain about is that sometimes your colleagues don't understand this. Not only does the copy have to be right, but the database structure has to be correct, the server environment has to been running correctly, the code has to be perfect, the generated HTML has to be formatted correctly (including the CSS) and finally it has to look good graphically… oh yeah and load quickly.
It’s helpful to see such a clear definition of roles, it will help to focus given tasks and may even warrant a ‘check list.’ It's just nice to know that somebody knows us "webmasters" are overworked.


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